Magic Phoenix Campaign

The Only Fundraiser for the Year

2024-25 Goal: $40,000

We are extremely grateful that our children attend one of Colorado’s best public middle schools, and we are fortunate that Boulder County voters support our schools to a great degree when compared to other districts. Despite this, our school experiences a shortfall between what we need to keep Manhattan exceptional and what we receive in public funding.

Our 2024-25 Magic Phoenix Campaign runs from now through September 13, 2024 and we have a fundraising goal of $40,000 and a participation goal of 65% of families making a gift of any amount.

To meet our fundraising goal, we request a minimum donation of $150 per enrolled student. (This equates to a gift of $0.86 for each day your child is in school this year). If you are able, please consider supporting a student in need.

To encourage your participation, two anonymous donors have agreed to make a total gift of $15,000 once we reach the following participation goals:

+$5000 once 35% of families participate

+$5000 once 55% of families participate

+$5000 once 65% of families participate

To meet our participation goal, we are simply asking that you participate at any amount meaningful to you! We have rolled the Holiday Giving Campaign into Magic Phoenix. Therefore, this is our one and only financial ask we make of families for the entire year; as long as we meet our goal, there will be NO other fundraising asks of any kind from the PTO (no silent auctions, kids selling items, etc). Gifts are tax-deductible. 

Don't forget to ask your company about corporate matching donations. These can make a HUGE difference! 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Magic Phoenix Campaign

Kindly return cash or check donations to the school office. Make checks payable to “Manhattan Middle School PTO”, OR, you can easily donate via the link above.

Questions? Please contact PTO Board Member Natasha Rigg at